Thursday, December 19, 2013

Haryana a rich cultural heritage

The state of Haryana is believed to be the birthplace of the first anecdotes of history. According to a legend, nature came into being at this place because of the boon given by Brahma. The first ever dynasty (of Kurus) was established here. The great war of Mahabharata was fought here.
Besides, several civilisations were born here. They faded into the oblivion with the passage of time. But nevertheless, they left their indelible marks on the culture, soil and moments of the state. Several artifacts and ancient monuments have been discovered (or unearthed) in the state.
These discoveries show that several towns and villages of the state were cradles of ancient human settlements during the pre-historic and historic periods. In this chapter, we shall discuss some towns and places of Haryana where the ancient civilisation had developed and reached their respective pinnacles. Some historic towns have also been discussed in this chapter, which narrate the tales of some famous communities of India.

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